Ice Dam Removal


Grand Rapids Ice Dam Removal

CAUTION: It is highly recommended that Ice dam removal is done by a professional roofer who will remove the ice dams and all blockages, ensuring that your home remains protected from the damaging effects of ice dams.

If you attempt to do it yourself, please remember that ladder rungs and boot soles tend to ice up. Also, ladders on ice can slide off very easily. USE EXTREME CAUTION!!

If you need some help removing an Ice Dam or you're fresh out of towels from soaking up the water, please give us a call at 616-RESTORE. Day or Night, our 24 Hour Emergency Services are always available.

What are Ice Dams?

During the winter months, ice dams can form along your home's roofline, potentially allowing water to seep into your home. Ice dams generally form as the result of inadequate insulation in your home's attic, allowing heat to escape that in turn melts the bottommost layer of snow on your roof. As the snowmelt runs towards your roofline, it begins to refreeze causing an ice dam in and along your gutters.

As the ice dam builds, the amount of water that is trapped begins to increase, potentially seeping into any unprotected roofing areas or under your home's shingling, resulting in damage to your home.

Unfortunately, Ice dams are one of the most common causes of water damage in the home during the winter months. Left unchecked, ice dams can wreck havoc on your home in the form of roof damage, water damage.

Our ice dam removal services will professionally remove all ice dams and blockages, ensuring that your home remains protected from the damaging effects of ice dams.

Ice Dam Preparation

There are some things you can do to prepare for winter and that can help prevent ice dams from forming. The list belows is a good reference or checklist for this Fall. Please contact us with any questions you may have about ice dam prevention or repairs.

Ice Dam Prevention Checklist:

  • Inspect Your Attic Insulation
  • Check for Air Leakage
  • Check for Adequate Ventilation in Your Attic
  • Add Additional Soffit Venting
  • Block Gaps Around Pipes That Release Warm Air
  • Install Rubber Ice Dam Protection Sheet

24 Hour Emergency Service

Ice dams can cause serious damage to your home. When found, they should be immediately removed.Our team of ice dam removal experts can quickly and economically remove any ice dams on your home, ensuring that your home remains protected from the damaging effects of ice dams.

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